Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Our little Hazel.

So, Hazel has been doing great. she is a good sleeper! She is sleeping a good solid 8 hours most nights, and has lots of naps in the day still! She is such a little angel in our house and is just so cute and cuddly... most times. But! for the times she is not, me and Dean have discovered a wonderful solution! :)

all you need is a vacuum!


Nancy said...

That is pretty funny. Abi loves watching it and thinks Hazel is silly. Love you guys!

erin louise said...

8 hours!! That is awesome

Julie said...

hahah "the baby silencer"

Amie said...

Oh my she is still sooo tiny. I am super jealous that she's sleeping 8 hours... The most Ty has ever slept was 6. Love the video!

Karli Palmer said...